Monday, July 18, 2016


Hello! My name is Meghan Meyer and I'm starting a new adventure...blogging! Before I begin with blog posts, I thought I'd take the time to share some information about myself. I currently reside in North Liberty, IA. I love spending time with my husband and two sons. We bleed black and gold and you can find us at Kinnick on Saturdays in the fall.

My husband, Nick, and myself

Graham (3 months) and Harrison (2.5 years)

I started teaching in the Iowa City Community School District in 2008. That means I will be on my 9th year of teaching this year! Wow, the time has flown! I began my career as a first-grade teacher. I taught first grade for four years. I then moved to kindergarten. This will my fifth year teaching kindergarten. While it has its challenges, I love working with primary students! They keep me on my toes and always give me a good laugh. They love school and LOVE learning! It makes my job a lot easier. Now if walking in line wasn't such a tricky concept.... :) 

Through my blog, my goal is to share ideas, strategies, and thoughts about teaching. I would love to hear your input, as well! I'd love to hear from fellow teachers! Please introduce yourself in the comments below and respond to my question for you. Thanks for stopping by!

Do you have a blog? If so, what do you write about?


  1. Hi! I'm looking to start a blog about my love of all things reading related. You have a great blog and I can't wait to get started on my own.

  2. Hi! I'm looking to start a blog about my love of all things reading related. You have a great blog and I can't wait to get started on my own.

    1. That sounds like a very interesting blog! Share the link when it is up and running! :)

  3. I just started a blog this summer. I wrote about my experiences in Haiti at the end of the school year. I got the opportunity to work with Haitian teachers and take a peek at classrooms in session. I also wrote about my job experience in our school system. Six positions in 16 years! I hope to continue my blog by sharing ideas with and getting ideas from other teachers.

    1. Your blog sounds very interesting. I also love the idea of sharing ideas with other teachers!

  4. Megan,
    I loved reading your introduction post! It is great to get to know you. I think it was great that you included your goals for the blog. I can definitely tell you are a teacher!! Establishing goals will help keep you engaged and focused with your blog. I look forward to your future blog posts!
